
Laboratory of computer engineering of intelligent systems

Goals and objectives of the laboratory

The main goal of the laboratory is to conduct scientific research in the field of computer engineering and speech technology. These studies include the development of hardware and software for modern intelligent systems, artificial intelligence systems, speech technologies, computer linguistics and information retrieval systems.

Intellectual property certificates

  • Mamyrbayev O.Zh; Turdalyuly M.; Mekebayev N.O; Turdalykyzy T.; Seytkali B.N., Duysenbayeva A.Zh.; Auth. No. 142 "System of automatic creation of vocabulary for ASR" / publ. 22.01.2019 MJ RK.
  • O.Zh. Mamyrbayev, D.O. Oralbekova, A.S. Kydyrbekova, B.Zh. Zhumazhanov, T. Turdalykyzy. Auth. No. 15501 "System of automatic recognition of Kazakh speech based on end-to-end architecture" dated February 25, 2021.
  • Oralbekova D.O., Mamyrbayev O.Zh., Alimkan K., Kydyrbekova A.S., Zhumazhanov B.Zh., Turdalykyzy T. Auth. No. 23323 "Identification and authentication system through speech technologies" dated 04.02.2022.
  • Mamyrbayev O.Zh., Oralbekova D.O., Alimkan K., Kydyrbekova A.S., Zhumazhanov B.Zh., Turdalykyzy T. Auth. No. 24178 "System of automatic recognition of Kazakh continuous speech based on a model with an attention mechanism" dated 5.03.2022.
  • Mamyrbayev O.Zh., Turdalyuly M., Turdalykyzy T., Kydyrbekova A.S., Mekebayev N.O., Seitkali B., Akhmetov B.S. Auth. No. 7844. "Multilingual speech recognition MultiSpeech" 2020.

The following tasks are priorities for the laboratory:

  • Research in artificial intelligence and speech technologies
  • Development and research of a multilingual speech recognition system
  • Development of a new technology for automatic speech recognition for low-resource languages
  • Study of the theory of Bayesian networks for solving various applied problems in different areas of science and production
  • A study of the theory of cellular neural networks with singular perturbation
  • Develop methods and models for searching and analyzing criminally relevant information in unstructured and semi-structured text arrays
  • Development of efficient algorithms and models for processing text data using the latest advances in computational linguistics
  • Publication of scientific articles in highly rated journals based on the results of the study


Semantically marked Kazakh-Russian corpus

Kazakh-Russian parallel corpus of criminal texts

Multilinguistic taxonomy of criminal-colored vocabulary

Multilingual ontology of illegal web content

Corpus of Kazakh speech

Multilingual automatic speech recognition

Multimodal speech recognition

Our Team

Mamyrbayev Orken Zhumazhanovich

Head of the Laboratory

Natural Language Processing, Speech recognition

Khairova Nina Feliksovna

Chief Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Sharonova Natalia Valerievna

Chief Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Keylan Alimhan

Chief Research Scientist

Speech recognition

Rakhimova Diana Ramazanovna

Chief Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Yerimbetova Aigerim Sembekovna

Leading Researcher

Natural Language Processing, Sign Language

Zhumazhanov Bagashar Zhumazhanuly

Senior Research Scientist

Speech recognition

Kartbaev Amandyk Zhankozhauly

Senior Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Shayakhmetova Asem Serikbaevna

Senior Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Oralbekova Dina Orymbaevna

Junior Research Scientist

Speech recognition

Kydyrbekova Aizat Siyazbekovna

Research Scientist

Speech recognition

Ybytaeva Galiya Seytkalievna

Junior Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Bekarystankyzy Akbayan

Junior Research Scientist

Speech recognition

Turdalykyzy Tolganai

Software Engineer

Speech recognition

Mukhsina Kuralai Zhenisbekovna

Senior Research Scientist

Turganbayeva Aliya Oralbaykyzy

Junior Research Scientist

Natural Language Processing

Tolegen Gulmira

Research Scientist

Speech recognition