
Regulations on the Academic Council of the RSE on REU “Institute of Information and Computational Technologies” CS MES RK

1. The Scientific Council of the Institute of Information and Computational Technologies MES RK, (hereinafter the Institute), is a collegial and advisory board of the Institute’s management and acts on the basis of the Regulations on the Scientific Council, approved by the Director of the Institute and its decisions are advisory in nature;

2. The Academic Council of the Institute consists of: Director General of the Institute, Deputy Director General of the Institute for research, Scientific Secretary, leading scientists;

3. The Chairman of the Academic Council is the Director General of the Institute, and in his absence – the Deputy Director General for Research; the Sientific Secretary – the Scientific Secretary of the Institute;

4. The membership of the Academic Council is approved by the Director General of the Institute;

5. Under the Academic Council of the Institute, sections may be created for specialized areas of science, chaired by the Deputy Director General for research or other leading scientists;

6. All personal issues at meetings of the Academic Council of the Institute are resolved by secret ballot;

7. Academic Council Of The Institute:

– coordinates the activities of scientific divisions of the Institute, discusses the results of work on the main areas and prospects for the development of the Institute;

– develops and submits to the Director General of the Institute for approval annual research plans in accordance with the main activities of the Institute, plans for training scientific personnel, international cooperation, meetings and conferences, as well as other plans;

– discusses and approves reports of heads of scientific divisions on the results of research for the year;

– discusses topical problems of science development, hears scientific reports, discusses issues of coordination of activities and creative cooperation with other scientific organizations;

– discusses the effectiveness of international scientific cooperation of the Institute, the progress of research carried out jointly with foreign scientific organizations, and also hears reports from researchers of the Institute on research trips;

– discusses issues related to the training and advanced training of researchers of the Institute, regularly listens to reports from researchers of the Institute about their work on training scientific personnel, discusses the topics of doctoral dissertations, gives recommendations on them;

– nominates outstanding scientific works, scientific discoveries and inventions for awarding their authors various prizes and other distinctions; represents the Institute’s researchers for awarding honorary titles, nominates candidates for full members and corresponding members of the academies of Sciences;

– holds contests for filling vacant positions of heads of scientific divisions of the Institute, chief researchers, leading researchers, senior researchers, researchers, junior researchers before signing a labour contract with them; 

– gives suggestions to the Director General of the Institute to improve the structure of the Institute.

– elects editors of publications established by the Institute and approves the composition of editorial boards;

– supervises the work of personnel certification commissions of the Institute;

– considers issues related to the salary system of employees, which are made in the form of a protocol decision. But, at the same time, the Director General of the Institute has the right to amend and supplement the protocol of the Academic Council on these issues related to employees’ salaries;

– considers other issues stipulated by the Statute of the Institute;

8. The Academic Council and its sections are competent to make decisions if two-thirds of their members are present at the meeting.  The decision of the Academic Council and its section is considered adopted if 50% of the members of the Academic Council and its sections participating in the meeting voted for them. Decisions are taken by open voting unless a decision is made to hold a secret ballot.

Composition of the Academic Council of the RSE on REU “Institute of Information and Computational Technologies” CS MES RK

  1. Mutanov G.M. – сhair
  2. Mamyrbayev O. Zh. – deputy chair
  3. Kalimoldayev M.N. 
  4. Ainakulov S. Zh.
  5. Usatova O.A.
  6. Ageeva V.V.
  7. Algazy K.
  8. Amirgaliev E.N.
  9. Erimbetova A.
  10. Kalizhanova A.U
  11. Kapalova N.A.
  12. Kozbakova A.
  13. Musabayev R.R.
  14. Musabek G.
  15. Nysanbayeva S.E.
  16. Pak A.A.
  17. Samigulina G.A.
  18. Terekhov A.G.
  19. Yunicheva N.R.