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Sharonova Natalia Valerievna

Chief Researcher of the RSE “Institute of Information and Computing Technologies” CS MES RK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.


Date and place of birth:

February 23, 1953 in the town of Grebenka, Poltava region.

Specialty and type of activity:

Mathematical foundations of linguistics; artificial intelligence: linguistic problems; intelligent systems, mathematical modeling; intellectual information technologies; scientific consulting for doctoral students; supervising the work of graduate students.


Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.


In 1975 she graduated from the Faculty of Computer Engineering of the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics with a degree in applied mathematics.

Scientific degrees and titles:

Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Kharkov State Institute of Culture (1994-1996).

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management, Professor of the Department of Automated Control Systems of NTU “KhPI” (2003-2007).

Professor of the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems, NTU “KhPI” (2008 – present).

Academic title and year of receipt:

1984 – candidate of technical sciences,

1994 – Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Honorary title: 2021 – Order of Princess Olga III degree.

She worked as a junior, senior, leading researcher, head of the laboratory of artificial intelligence of KhIRE (1975-1994).

Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Kharkov State Institute of Culture (1994-1996).

Vice-Rector for Research of the Kharkov Humanitarian University “People’s Ukrainian Academy” (1996-2003).

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management, Professor of the Department of Automated Control Systems of NTU “KhPI” (2003-2007).

Since February 2007 he has been the head of the department of intelligent computer systems, professor.

Brief description of activities, main areas of scientific research:

All my life I have been involved in science. In 1984 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on mathematical modeling of natural language patterns. Scientific adviser – Professor Bondarenko M.F.

In 1994 she defended her doctoral thesis “Comparator identification of linguistic objects” in the specialty 05.25.05 – “Information systems and processes”. The scientific consultant was Professor Shabanov-Kushnarenko Yury Petrovich, whom he considers a teacher throughout his life.

Under the guidance of N.V. Sharonova 17 Ph.D. theses were defended. She is a scientific advisor for three doctoral studies. For many years he has been a member of specialized doctoral councils for the defense of dissertations, and regularly acts as an official opponent.

Since 2003, NTU KhPI has been actively engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities. With her active participation, the specialties “Psychology”, “Administrative Management”, “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, “Applied Linguistics” were opened.

In 2007, thanks to the efforts of Natalia Valerievna, a new department was opened at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, which is called “Intelligent Computer Systems”.

The total number of scientific papers exceeds 190, including the monograph “Comparator Identification of Linguistic Objects” (1993), a textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine “Business Skills” (1997, co-authored with E. G. Petrov), a textbook with the stamp of MONU ” Organizational behavior” (2002), textbook “Self-improvement of the teacher” (2003, co-authored with E. G. Petrov and L. N. Radvanskaya), textbook “Organizational culture of the ceramics worker” (2004, co-authored with V. N. Babaev ), textbook “Modern technologies of teaching in higher education” (a book for young teachers and graduate students, 2007, co-authored with E. G. Petrov and L. N. Radvanskaya). He is the author of more than 150 scientific articles, 8 textbooks, 2 of which are stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 7 educational publications, 6 monographs. Several original courses have been prepared, including: Machine Translation, Business Skills, Organizational Behavior, Mathematical Models of Developing Systems, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Systems Modeling, Mathematical Foundations of Linguistics, etc.

Takes an active part in organizing and holding scientific conferences, seminars, exhibitions, incl. international.

From 1993 to 2001 she was the elected President of the Association of Modern Information and Library Technologies (ASIBT), a member of the Board of ASIBT, actively working on the development of the Kharkiv regional scientific and educational information network. Since 2003, he has been the head of the Kharkiv branch of the Ukrainian Federation of Informatics (UFI).

