
The research and development of models and methods of representation and organization of knowledge using the ontological approach and tools Smart technology tools in implementation of educational programs and processes

Information on the project

Project type: Grant funding for the Science Committee Ministry of Education and Science of the RK

Code of the project: AP05134973 (01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020)

Title: The research and development of models and methods of representation and organization of knowledge using the ontological approach and tools Smart technology tools in implementation of educational programs and processes.

The object of research, development or design: Innovative teaching technologies as an integrative-integrated means of intensifying the educational and cognitive activity of students.

Aim of work:  Development of innovative methods of representation and organization of knowledge, using ontological engineering, competence and design approaches, in order to form knowledge components of the repository smart-environment and their subsequent use for the design of learning paths and work programs of disciplines (modules) of the educational program.  Implementation of the methodology will be implemented in the form of an educational portal in the form of smart -training.

Research methods:  Formal knowledge output systems and procedures based on the network knowledge display model; ontological engineering as a means of knowledge analysis and structuring; domain engineering as a means of identifying and abstracting domain knowledge;  object-oriented technology and generative programming; component-based approach, analysis of community and variability.

Field of application: Smart technologies in scientific and electronic educational processes

Project Investigator: Kubekov B.S. (IICT CS MES RK)

The organization – executor: IICT CS MES RK.