at solving the general fundamental problem of forming methodological foundations for creating logical and linguistic models for identifying cognitive and semantic meaning identifiers in natural language texts. Within the limits of this general problem, the project has solved a concrete applied problem: the information-linguistic technology of automatic identification, selection, search and analysis of criminally significant component in the unstructured and weakly structured test arrays of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages, based on modeling of the human intellect understanding function.
In order to achieve this goal the project solved the following tasks.
Хайрова Н. Ф. Некоторые аспекты технологии идентификации криминально значимой информации в многоязычных текстовых массивах / Хайрова Н. Ф., Мамырбаев О. Ж., Мухсина К. Ж. – Алматы: Институт информационных и вычислительных технологий, 2020. – 92 с.