
Information Security Laboratory

Head of the laboratory Dr.Eng.Sc.,

professor, Biyashev R.G.

The purpose and objectives of the research: development and analysis of methods, algorithms and cryptoprotection of information on the basis of modular arithmetic during transmission and storage in the info-communication systems and networks.

 The following new results have been obtained:

– a model of protected cross-border information exchange has been obtained;
– a model of parties’ interaction scheme in the integration system with a protected cross-border information exchange has been offered;
– definitions of the basic concepts of access control based on the quadruple have been proposed: subject area – access control policy – model – access сontrol mechanism. For each of these concepts its semantics has been defined;
– definitions of typed attribute based access control (TABAC) and multi-criteria typed attribute based access control  (MTABAC) based on the concept of attribute type have been given. The type is considered as a mathematical object containing definition range of attribute values and the function for the work with its values. The type implemented in the system serves as an access isolation mechanism;

– the followings are defined for TABAC: semantics of subject domain, access control policies, metamodels, models, and access matrix formed by the model;
– for implementation of the access control systems, specification of the logical approach developed in 2015 was proposed. In this regard a multi-level formal model of TABAC and MTABAC has been constructed, which is a system of semantic modeling of TABAC and MTABAC in the form of a metamodel, various security models derived from it and access matrices corresponding to these models;
– model laws and statutory instruments on issues and problems in the field of ICT, namely, protected cross-border exchange;
– the analysis results of known cryptographic algorithms have been obtained;
– the model of digital signature on the basis of non-positional polynomial systems notation (NPSN) has been developed;
– the structural diagram of the EDS model’s software implementation has been proposed;
– design of CIPF with a given cryptographic stability on the basis of NPSN with possibility of application in the technology of protected cross-border information exchange;
– structures of databases for storing information, necessary for complete keys formation and storage in the national segment of cross-border information exchange has been developed;
– software implementation of the modules making up CIPF.

Practical application:

  • The developed method of encryption has been used in the program complex of testing high school graduates in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first few years to encrypt files with the correct answer codes for recording them on flexible magnetic disks and decoding when reading with errors detection in the testing points. In this respect, access to the decryption procedure has been allowed only in case if all three passwords entered coincided at the stage of file encryption.
  • In the law enforcement agencies of the country (NSC, MD, MIA) regarding reliable information security when transferring it through various communication channels, including wireless.

Obtained intellectual property certificates:

 «GenTestCrypt» (software program). Certificate of state registration of intellectual property. // Entry in the Committee register on Intellectual Property Rights of the MJ of Republic of Kazakhstan №1877 from 22 December 2010 (authors: R. G.Biyashev, M. N. Kalimoldayev, S. E. Nysanbaeva, N.A. Kapalova , Z.E.Amirgalieva.);

Biyashev R.G., Nysanbayeva S.E., Kapalova N.A., Khakimov R.A. The object of intellectual property for the software package «Cryptographic protection on the base of modular arithmetic» // Certificate of state registration of copyright object № 1358. – Committee on Intellectual Property Rights, Ministry of Justice of RK, Astana, 2015.

Biyashev R.G., Nysanbayeva S.E., Kapalova N.A., Khakimov R.A. «Digital signature on the basis of NPSN» // Certificate of state registration of copyright object № 1911 – Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, October 9, 2015.


Biyashev R.,Nyssanbayeva S., KapalovaN. The Key Exchange Algorithm on Basis of Modular Arithmetic // Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Control and Automation Engineering (ECAE2013), Hong Kong– Lancaster, U.S.A.: DEStech Publications, 2013. – P.501-504.

Biyashev R., Kalimoldayev M., KapalovaN., Khakimov R., Nyssanbayeva S. Program Modeling of the Cryptography Algorithms on Basis of Polynomial Modular Arithmetic // Proceedings. The 5th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics. The 5thInternational Conference on Society and Information Technologies (IMCIC’14 -ICSIT 2014). – Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. 2014. – P. 49-54.

Biyashev R., Nyssanbayeva S. Modular Scheme of the Elgamal Digital Signature // Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL 2014. – Brno, Czech Republic, 2014. – P. 311-316.

Kalimoldayev M.N., Biyashev R.G., Rog O.A. Formal representation of the functional model of the delineation multicriterial system and access control to information resources // Problems of computer science. – 2014. – No. 1 (22). – p 43-55.

Biyashev R., Nyssanbayeva S., Kapalova N., Khakimov R., Modular models of the cryptographic protection of information // International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Security (CNIS2015), Changsha, China. 2015. –  P.393-398.

R. Biyashev, S. Nyssanbayeva, N. Kapalova.  Asymmetric Encryption on the Basis of Non-positional Polynomial Notations // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT ’15). – Salerno, Italy, 2015. – P. 225-231

Biyashev R.G., Nyssanbayeva S.E., BegimbayevaYe.Ye., Magzom M.M. Modification of the cryptographic algorithms, developed on the basis of nonpositional polynomial notations // New developments in circuits, systems, signal processing, communications and computers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing, Communications and Computers (CSSCC 2015) – Vienna, Austria. 2015 – 170-176 pp.

Biyashev R. G., Nyssanbayeva S. E., and Begimbayeva Ye. Y. Development of the model of protected cross-border information interaction // Open Engineering. – 2016. № 6. – P. 199 – 205

Biyashev, R. Nyssanbayeva S., Kapalova N., Haumen A.  Modified symmetric block encryption-decryption algorithm based on modular arithmetic // Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network Security and Signal Processing (WCNSSP2016). – Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016. – P. 263-265.

R. Biyashev, M. Kalimoldayev, S. Nyssanbayeva, M. Magzom, Development of an encryption algorithm based on nonpositional polynomial notations // Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network Security and Signal Processing (WCNSSP2016). – Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016. – P.243-245.

Biyashev R. G., Nyssanbayeva S. E., and Begimbayeva Ye. Y. The Development of a Structural Scheme of National Segment in a Protected Cross-Border Space // International Conference on Advanced Material Science and Environmental Engineering. – Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016. – P. 250-252.