
History of the Institute

Institute of Problems of Informatics and Сontrol was organized in September 1991 in accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 12, 1991, No.469 “On the organization of the Institute of Problems of Informatics and Control of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR” and the decree of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR dated 11 September 1991 No.75 for intensive and focused development in Kazakhstan of fundamental and applied research in computer science and control and scientific support of the program of Informatization of the Republic.

The Institute was headed by Ashimov Abdykappar Ashimovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, full member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, honored scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ashimov A.A. – a prominent scientist, a talented teacher, a skillful organizer of science and education. He did a great deal of work on the formation of the new Institute, the development of its scientific program and the orientation of the team towards solving fundamental and modern problems in the field of informatics, theoretical and applied aspects of control.  

He is the founder of the Russian scientific school in the field of control systems theory and technical cybernetics. Professor Ashimov pays special attention to the training of young scientists.

On December 8, 2006, Abdikappar Ashimovich was awarded the order of Parasat for outstanding services to the Fatherland.

Since 1994, A.A.Ashimov became the chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was replaced by Aidarkhanov M.B. (1948-2007), the deputy director of the Institute, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician of the International Academy of Informatization and the International Academy of Sciences on Nature and Society (for the Moscow branch).

R.G. Biyashev, Doctor of Engineering Science, a graduate of the laboratory of machine and computational mathematics, who worked for a long time at the All-Soviet Union Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Organization and Management of the USSR Committee on Science, was appointed the new Deputy Director. In 1998, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty 05.13.00-Computer Science, Computer engineering and automation.  In 1995 he was elected an academician of the International Academy of Informatization, and in 1997 – the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society (Moscow branch).  Since 2000 – a member (representative of Kazakhstan) of the UNESCO ACCESS net International Association (Association for Support of Sustainable Development of Computer Centers and Information Technology Institutes), registered in Lyon (FranceIn 1998, within the framework of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Informatics Program with the active participation of M.B. Aidarkhanov Institute was appointed the lead executor of the UNESCO project “Creation of an Information Center for the Development of Specialists and Information Service” for the countries of Central Asia, thanks to which the IPIU was equipped with the advanced computer and office equipment at that time. Since 2005 he was the head of the UNESCO project “Electronic libraries in rural areas to reduce the digital divide in Central Asia”.

The new director M.B.Aidarkhanov managed to attract additional funding for the Institute from abroad and from related industries (biology, medicine, etc.).

He has published about 140 scientific works, including 5 monographs. Many of his scientific works have been published in well-known international and Russian journals. Four doctoral and nine candidate dissertations were prepared under his supervision.

Awards: Certificate of Honor of the Central Committee of the Leninist Young Communist League (1980), Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998, 1999), the Badge “For Merit in the Development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the Order “Kurmet” (2006). 

After the untimely death of M.B. Aidarkhanov in 2007, the duties of the head were performed by his deputy R.G. Biyashev.

On August 27, 2008, a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Kalimoldayev M.N. was appointed Director of the Institute of Problems of Informatics and Control CS MES RK.

Kalimoldayev M.N. is a highly qualified specialist in the field of mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, control theory and information technologies. The Institute headed by him is the flagship in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of computer science and control problems. The Institute is the coordinator of many scientific programs on information technologies.

In 2013, the Institute of Problems of Informatics and Control was transformed into the RSE at the Institute of Information and Computational Technologies (IICT) CS MES RK.

At present, the Institute employs honored scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences. Employees of the institute are engaged in the study, development, testing and implementation of effective, affordable software systems, robotic systems.  The formed research team allows to optimistically assess the prospects for the development of scientific activity, obtain interesting results and solutions that correspond to the world level.

IICT is an organization-member of the Technical Committee TC-34 “Information Technologies” of the State standart of the Republic of Kazakhstan at JSC “National Information Technologies”, constantly participates in the consideration and approval of draft state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by various organizations

IICT is actively replenished with well-selected young forces, seriously engaged in the education of young scientists and boldly entrusts them with responsible tasks, will always be an advanced, non-aging scientific institution. In recent years, many young people have come to the Institute. More than half of our researchers are under the age of 35. Organizational work is underway to activate the grant search activity of young scientists of the Institute and to involve them in scientific projects implemented under the guidance of prominent scientists. The Institute is actively involved in training highly qualified personnel.